- Implant
- History of implant
- Materials
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Alternative materials
Patient with heart valve failure is said to be critical if there is no implant done..more>>
1954: Dr Charles Hufnagel - Implemented on a 30-year-old woman, who leads a good normal life after surgery. The valve, Hufnagel aortic valve was named after himself. This valve is a fixation of ball-type valve..more>>
There are typically two varieties of prosthetic heart valves being utilized today which are mechanical heart valves and biological valves..more>>
One of the main advantages of articial heart valves is that they are biocompatible to human body and well tolerated by the body. Only a small amount of blood thinner is needed..more>>
Some patients have no issues with the ongoing monitoring (prothrombin time level) and consumption of Coumadin. But there are some patients..more>>
Alternative Materials
The polymers are classified as the most potential biomaterial as they occupy the properties such as solubility, permeability, mechanical resistance, degradability, and..more>>