• Implant

    Patient with heart valve failure is said to be critical if there is no implant done..more>>

  • History

    1954: Dr Charles Hufnagel - Implemented on a 30-year-old woman, who leads a good normal life after surgery. The valve, Hufnagel aortic valve was named after himself. This valve is a fixation of ball-type valve..more>>

  • Materials

    There are typically two varieties of prosthetic heart valves being utilized today which are mechanical heart valves and biological valves..more>>

  • Advantages

    One of the main advantages of articial heart valves is that they are biocompatible to human body and well tolerated by the body. Only a small amount of blood thinner is needed..more>>

  • Disadvantages

    Some patients have no issues with the ongoing monitoring (prothrombin time level) and consumption of Coumadin. But there are some patients..more>>

  • Alternative Materials

    The polymers are classified as the most potential biomaterial as they occupy the properties such as solubility, permeability, mechanical resistance, degradability, and..more>>


This weblog was design for our academic assessment specifically for KUEU 3147; Biomaterials course. In this weblog we will give detailed description about the artificial heart valve. The section was mainly divided into six topics as follows:
  • Implant
  • History of implant
  • Materials
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Alternative materials
Every each of the topic will explain the details of your desire topic. We also include some related materials such as pictures, videos and journal. Last but not least, our group hope that all information given here will help you to find and learn about the artificial heart valve.continue to IMPLANT>>